Exporting Scores
Learn how to export scores to S3, GCS, and more
Preview feature
Exporting scores is a newly available preview feature. We're excited for you to use it, but is still under development. It may not be feature complete, and we don't offer our normal SLAs for this feature.
Correlated's exporting feature allows you to periodically receive granular data from the scoring engine in a form that you can use in your own applications and third party services. Scores from any of your models can be exported to commonly used cloud object storage services, like Amazon S3 or Google Cloud GCS. To use the exporting feature, please contact support@getcorrelated.com, or get in touch with Correlated's customer success team. Follow this guide to learn how to set up and configure scoring exports.
- Correlated currently supports exporting to Amazon S3 or Google Cloud GCS.
- Scores are uploaded once per day
- Scores can be uploaded in CSV or JSON
- One file will be created per scoring model that you've configured
- Each file contains one row per scored user or account
- Each file contains the following property per user/account:
- The global identifier for the user/account
- The date and time at which the score was most recently determined
- The numeric score value, between 0 and 100
- Whether the user/account has converted since receiving the score, true or false
Setting up GCS for scoring exports
- Create a destination bucket in GCS where you'd like scores to be exported to.
- Follow these steps in the GCP docs to learn how to use the GCP console to create a bucket
- Using the
command line tool, run the following command:gcloud storage buckets create gs://your-bucket-name/ --uniform-bucket-level-access
- Grant Correlated the appropriate access permissions for the bucket you just created
- To do this in the GCP console:
- Visit the GCS buckets console in GCP
- Click on the name of the bucket you created in step 1
- Click on the 'Permissions' tab
- Click on the 'Grant Access' button
- In the sidebar, enter
in the 'Add principals' text box - Add the following roles in the 'Assign roles' section of the form:
- Storage Object Viewer
- Storage Object Creator
- Click Save
- To do this using the gcloud command line tool:
- Run the following commands:
gcloud storage buckets add-iam-policy-binding gs://your-bucket-name --member=user:exporting@correlated-labs-production.iam.gserviceaccount.com --role=roles/storage.objectCreator gcloud storage buckets add-iam-policy-binding gs://your-bucket-name --member=user:exporting@correlated-labs-production.iam.gserviceaccount.com --role=roles/storage.objectViewer
- To do this in the GCP console:
Setting Up S3 for Scoring Exports
Coming soon!
Updated over 1 year ago