Correlated's Customer Data Graph

Correlated builds proprietary Account and User views that combine usage data with firmographic and demographic data that live across multiple data sources. This allows users to build prioritized Account lists using our Customer Explorer and get the context they need to have productive customer conversations using our Customer 360 views.

How Correlated defines Accounts and Users

Correlated has a flexible architecture that allows you to choose how you want to define Accounts, as long as the field you use is unique. The means that you could use an Account ID, a Salesforce Account ID, or even an email domain to define Accounts. Similarly to Accounts, Correlated identifies Users using any unique field, which could be a User ID, or their email.

If you have a different way of identifying Accounts and Users, it's likely that Correlated can accommodate - please reach out to your Correlated contact with any questions.

How Correlated joins Metrics with Dimensions

Correlated automatically joins metric data with dimension data using a unique id. This joining is non-trivial as it requires pulling in data from multiple sources - and it also means that if a metric is not tagged with some identifier we can use, it may not be tagged with dimensions. This is something you can work on with the Correlated team, but we’ve found that most users have some identifier that provides good coverage.

How Correlated Labs joins Salesforce dimensions with Metrics

Correlated Labs uses the same automatic joining process described above to join Salesforce objects with their associated metrics. However, we offer further intelligence by mapping metrics to the account hierarchy defined in Salesforce. We currently support Account, Contact, Lead, and Opportunity objects, and can pull default and custom fields for those objects.

When we see a metric come in, we’ll try to find any associated Salesforce Contacts, Leads, Accounts, or Opportunities linked to the User or Account that is associated with that metric. We can map Users or Accounts to Salesforce Objects via arbitrary fields, although we typically use email or a unique identifier. If we can’t find a match, we’ll fall back to the proprietary Correlated Labs heuristic to try to find a match. This allows us to automatically group Users by Account and leverage that hierarchy to analyze customer behavior or both an Account and User level. We track all metrics along with the User or Account associated with it, regardless of whether or not that User or Account exists in Salesforce. This allows us to both take advantage of Salesforce hierarchies when they are available, as well as analyze Accounts and Users who do not exist in Salesforce yet. For companies that offer freemium products, this is a particularly powerful feature to leverage to better understand free-tier users who are ready for upsell, but are not formally in a sales motion yet. See our Glossary for more on how Users and Accounts are defined in Correlated Labs.