Data Onboarding Checklist

In this document, we’ll outline all of the events and firmographic data points we recommend sharing with Correlated to track your entire customer lifecycle and run successful product led revenue Playbooks.

These data points are what we’ve defined as the minimum for what’s needed to get value out of Correlated, but more are always encouraged.

Note: The recommended model for Correlated is to share (1) a source that has all your accounts, (2) a source that has all your users, and (3) a source that has your product usage. See this document for more detail.

Recommended Events to Track

Table to track this data for both Accounts and Users:

Column NamePurpose
user_idPrimary key.
account_idMap users to accounts.
updated_atTimestamp of when the row was updated to support incremental, more real-time updates.
sign_upsThis event should be sent when a user signs up for your product.
sign_insThis event should be sent when a user signs in to your product.
account_createdThis event should be sent when a new account is created.
invites_sentThis event should be sent when a user invites another user to your product.
trial_startedThis event should be sent when a trial is started.
trial_endedThis event should be sent when a trial is ended.
subscription_startedThis event should be sent when a subscription is started.
subscription_endedThis event should be sent when a subscription has ended or is canceled.
subscription_changedThis event should be sent when a subscription is changed - upgraded or downgraded.
feature_usageThese events should be sent when a user engages with core features in your product (clicks, activates, or views key features relevant from onboarding to adoption).


Important Note

Events can be shared with us via Segment or your Data Warehouse. However, if sharing events via a Data Warehouse, these events MUST be rollups. All tables must have userId and accountId columns.

If you only have raw event tables, we strongly recommend using a reverse ETL tool like Hightouch or Census to share these events instead.

Recommended Customer Lifecycle Data to Track

Table to track this data at the Account level:

Column NamePurpose
account_idPrimary key.
updated_atTimestamp of when the row was updated to support incremental, more real-time updates.
signup_dateThis should track the date the customer signed up for your product.
trial_start_dateThis should track the date the customer started their trial period.
This should track the date the customer's trial ends, or days until their trial is set to end.
subscription_typeThis should differentiate between different subscription or plan types. Basic, Premier, etc.
subscription_start_dateThis should track the date the customer began paying for your product. First Invoice Date, etc.
subscription_end_dateThis should track the date the customer ended their subscription or stopped paying for your product. Subscription Expired, etc.
license_utilizationThis should track the number of seats or licenses the customer is using - Only if relevant to your company.
customer_statusThis should track what stage the customer is at in their lifecycle. Active, Trialing, Paying, Churned, etc.
lifecycle_milestonesThese are unique to what your company identifies as a milestone. Total Lifetime Usage of Key Features, Total Lifetime Usage of Seats / Licenses, Integrations Connected, Features Activated Date, etc.

Table to track this data at the User level:

Column NamePurpose
user_idPrimary key.
account_idMap users to accounts.
updated_atTimestamp of when the row was updated to support incremental, more real-time updates.
signup_dateThis should track the date the customer signed up for your product.
trial_start_dateThis should track the date the customer started their trial period.
This should track the date the customer's trial ends, or days until their trial is set to end.
subscription_typeThis should differentiate between different subscription or plan types. Basic, Premier, etc.
subscription_start_dateThis should track the date the customer began paying for your product. First Invoice Date, etc.
subscription_end_dateThis should track the date the customer ended their subscription or stopped paying for your product. Subscription Expired, etc.
license_utilizationThis should track the number of seats or licenses the customer is using - Only if relevant to your company.
customer_statusThis should track what stage the customer is at in their lifecycle. Active, Trialing, Paying, Churned, etc.
lifecycle_milestonesThese are unique to what your company identifies as a milestone. Total Lifetime Usage of Key Features, Total Lifetime Usage of Seats / Licenses, Integrations Connected, Features Activated Date, etc.



These data points should be shared via Salesforce or a Data Warehouse. If sharing via a Data Warehouse, these tables must be in a table that includes accountId and userId columns. Tables with timestamps are highly recommended and will be treated as versioned and updated incrementally.

Recommended Firmographic / Demographic Data to Track

Table to track this data at the Account level:

Column NamePurpose
account_idPrimary key.
updated_atTimestamp of when the row was updated to support incremental, more real-time updates.
This should track the customer's recurring revenue. Monthly, annually, etc.
This should track how to segment the customer. Enterprise, SMB, 500+ employees, etc.
industryThis should track what industry the customer is in. Fintech, Ecommerce, etc.
This should track who at your company owns a customer account. Customer Success Manager Owner, Account Executive Owner, SDR / BDR Owner, etc.
This should track when the last point of contact took place. Days Since Last Activity, Last Call Date, Last Email Received, etc.

Table to track this data at the User level:

Column NamePurpose
user_idPrimary key.
account_idMap users to accounts.
updated_atTimestamp of when the row was updated to support incremental, more real-time updates.
This should track a user's role at the company. Decision-Maker, Day to Day Contact, CEO, SDR, etc.
This should track the customer's recurring revenue. Monthly, annually, etc.
This should track how to segment the customer. Enterprise, SMB, 500+ employees, etc.
industryThis should track what industry the customer is in. Fintech, Ecommerce, etc.
This should track who at your company owns a customer account. Customer Success Manager Owner, Account Executive Owner, SDR / BDR Owner, etc.
This should track when the last point of contact took place. Days Since Last Activity, Last Call Date, Last Email Received, etc.



These data points should be shared via Salesforce or a Data Warehouse. If sharing via a Data Warehouse, these tables must be in a table that includes accountId and userId columns. Tables with timestamps will be treated as versioned and updated incrementally.